CLI commands

Collectif Go SDK

Collective-Go-SDK is the main client for Filecoin Storage Providers to interact with Collective Liquid Staking protocol it wraps around all the complexities of joining Collectif protocol, pledging capital from the liquid staking pool into miner's Initial Pledge, and managing SPs collateral.

Usage: collectif-go-sdk [command]

Available Commands: 
    change-beneficiary     Change beneficiary address in the Collectif DAO protocol
    collateral     This is the section for interacting with the StorageProviderCollateral contract
    completion     Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell 
    help     Help about any command register Register Storage Provider in the Collectif DAO protocol 
    staking     Interact with Liquid Staking contract to pledge FIL 
    wallet     Interact with Filecoin/Ethereum wallet

Flags: -h, --help help for collective-go-sdk

Use "collectif-go-sdk [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Register on Collectif DAO

Register Storage Provider in the Collectif DAO protocol

  collective-go-sdk register [flags]

  -h, --help             help for register
  -l, --limit int        FIL allocation for pledge
  -m, --miner string     Storage Provider miner address (Filecoin address)
  -p, --period int       Max epoch for pledge operations
  -r, --run              Execute transaction (default true)
  -s, --staking string   Liquid Staking pool address (Ethereum address)

Collateral Management

This is the section for interacting with the StorageProviderCollateral contract

  collective-go-sdk collateral [flags]
  collective-go-sdk collateral [command]

Available Commands:
  deposit        Deposit collateral into StorageProviderCollateral contract
  get-collateral Returns available and locked collateral amounts for Storage Provider
  withdraw       Withdraw collateral from the StorageProviderCollateral contract

  -h, --help   help for collateral

Use "collectif-go-sdk collateral [command] --help" for more information about a command.

FIL Pledging from Liquid Staking pool

Interact with Liquid Staking contract to pledge FIL

  collective-go-sdk staking [flags]
  collective-go-sdk staking [command]

Available Commands:
  pledge           Pledge sector to finalize sealing and increase initial pledge for Storage Provider
  withdraw-balance Withdraw balance from the Miner actor

  -h, --help   help for staking

Use "collectif-go-sdk staking [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Change Beneficiary

Change beneficiary address in the Collectif DAO protocol

  collective-go-sdk change-beneficiary [flags]

  -h, --help             help for change-beneficiary
  -s, --staking string   Liquid Staking pool address (Ethereum address)

Filecoin wallet management

Interact with Filecoin/Ethereum wallet

  collectif-go-sdk wallet [flags]
  collectif-go-sdk wallet [command]

Available Commands:
  export      Export Filecoin wallet from SDK
  get-default Get default wallet used by SDK
  import      Import Filecoin wallet for SDK
  list        List wallets used by SDK
  new-wallet  Create a new wallet for Collectif SDK
  set-default Set default wallet for SDK

  -h, --help   help for wallet

Last updated

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